
Thank you, we have sent you an email with your personal estimate. A sales representative will be in contact with you.

IT Service

Please select the service(s) you would like to estimate the price for. Multiple services are allowed.

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Ticket Volume

Base Tariff


Cost per Ticket


Cost for [item-323_quantity] Tickets


Please select your estimated amount of service tickets per month by dragging the below slider.

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Helpdesk Languages

Base Tariff
Cost per Ticket
Cost for [item-323_quantity] Tickets
Select the languages your Helpdesk Agents should communicate in. You may select multiple languages.
Our service will be available in the following languages:
Helpdesk Languages

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Helpdesk Availability

Base Tariff
Cost per Ticket
Cost for [item-323_quantity] Tickets

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Server, Workstation & Laptop Maintenance

Base Tariff
Cost per Ticket
Cost for [item-323_quantity] Tickets
Total cost Windows Servers / month
Total cost Linux Servers / month
Total cost Windows PC's / month
Total cost MAC PC's / month

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Your custom IT estimate

Project Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :
All prices shown are net prices without VAT. Prices shown in "IT Service" and "Server, Workstation & Laptop Maintenance" are monthly recurring, while ticket prices are invoiced as per real number of tickets raised during any month. This estimate is subject to a service contract with a duration of 12 months.
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Average Ticket Processing Time

Base Tariff
Cost per Ticket
Cost for [item-323_quantity] Tickets
As per your experience, please estimate the average time needed to resolve any type of ticket in your company.

The cost per ticket is subject to the below estimated average processing time per ticket and will be adjusted at the end of each month with real data.
10 min: +0.00 per ticket; 20 min: +1.50 per ticket; 30 min: +6.50 per ticket; More than 30 min: +8.35 per ticket.

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Email Custom Estimate

Your estimated monthly IT spending is:

Please fill in the form below to receive your custom estimate by email. One of our sales representatives will get in touch with you shortly to answer all remaining questions. This is a no obligation estimate.

Project Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

Not sure what you need?

Get more information here

Helpdesk Services

Your single point of contact for all things IT related. Get instant access to a pool of professional IT technicians by phone, email and ITSM to quickly solve your incidents.

Microsoft 365 Services

License management, app setup, migration services and many more features become available with our Microsoft 365 Managed Services. Get your incidents and service requests done in a professional manner and with quick turnarounds.

System Maintenance

Ongoing system maintenance for your servers and personal computers with proactive problem solving. Keep your systems up to date and safe with our Maintenance Services.